Find a good brokerage services : Regulated vs Unregulated ones
- You must find a brokerage services that regulated by 5 big regulator : UK, US,Canada,Japan, Australia, Swiss,or other good regulator, do not choose off shore brokerage services
- You must find ECN/STP/NDD broker, do not trade with market makers
- Do not use brokerage that offer under $1000 minimal deposit,thats stupid
When read this kind of comment, i just say. COME ON !!
Give me one prove/example, when i use a regulated brokerage services and they run away or bankrupt, regulator will return your money?and how regulator will paid your money?using their own money?do not make me laugh.
Regulator will sue this broker and they will return your money?if they declare bankrupt, how they can even pay you?
ECN/NDD/STP and do not trade with market maker?LOL ! Oanda is market maker, and lot of people still trade with them. not all ECN / STP/NDD broker are good, and not all market maker are bad.
Do not trade use broker that offer under $1000 min deposit?for certain country, $1000 is not too big amount, but for some country, $1000 is very very big amount to risk. Give me one reason why i must risk $1000 and not $1 or $10 in order only to learn forex trading?
What a cocky people.
Bear in your MIND ! Forex trading risk is not only from market fluctuation, but from broker side too.
Do NOT EVER BELIEVE any regulations. They do not have power to return your money.
If you want to choose a brokerage services, make some search, DO NOT LAZY!
of course we do not want investing our hard earned money in brokerage services that has low cashflow, do not have financial problem.
Do some research,ask other opinion.
For example : Instaforex, lot of people yelling this company is bad market maker,but the fact, they always people profit even your profit is too awesome.
Ask people that HAS EXPERIENCE trading there and never BELIEVE PEOPLE that never ever deposit even a single DOLLAR in a company, and said scam coz some people say the same thing.
If a brokerage has IB programs, search and ask their IB,at least 10 IB. If you can find more than 10 IB's.that means this brokerage is good. Ask them,are they commision paid by the brokerage?
Do some deposit test and withdrawal test, i suggest you use MB or paypal,so if they refuse to pay you, just dispute them.LOL.
Make some search in popular forex forums, and if you find broker banner in a forum/blog/website, ask the admin bout advertising. We can find a good retail broker, pay huge amount only for advertising.This mean, this broker has money.
Do not rush into a new broker,just wait and see for 1 years
Look into their promotion and find out, are they terms to withdraw a withdrawable bonus is too complicated to reach/understand?if yes , Leave it.
If they offer creative promotion ,thats a good sign. Read the terms, if too complicated to understand, LEAVE IT
Read carefully the terms, some brokers offer huge bonus just for a lure, the bonus even its withdrawable,you can not maintain your trading position using bonus, if your deposit amount become zero, some of them will withdraw your bonus.Be carefull with this kind of broker.
Here is some of my suggestion based of my own experience.
in many cases the broker may be a good way to get started in currency trading